CCWN 75:34 Waveforms indicating defective devices The proper waveform should approach an ideal square wave. small disturbances or transients on the tops of pulses can be tolerated. The scope will also be of value in detecting any 60Hz power hum or TTL interference riding through on basic power or control cables. Bench Testing: The operation of each element of the system should be checked prior to operation of the entire system as an amateur CCW station. A borrowed oscilloscope and frequency counter that can read signals in the 80 meter range will speed testing. However, only a VTVM and the station receiver are required. The Frequency Standard: Bench testing here is confined to checking the output of each IC with a scope to insure that it is clean and has good waveform characteristics. Without a scope, each of the markers can be heard on the station receiver, with the exception of 'he 40 Hz marker, which can be tested with the keyer. The standard should be run continuously to allow thermal stabilization. Adjust the standard as closely as possible to WWV. Normally it can easily be adjusted to where there is a beat every 10 seconds that can be observed on the station receiver. Some experimentation with temperature compensation capacitors may pay dividends, although the unit pictured did not require additional work in this area. If the standard's regulated +5 volt supply is used to power other equipment, such as the stabilizer, insure that the DC does not have an AC or pulsating TTL waveform riding on top of it. The CCW Keyer: The keyer should be set up for operation in the non-coherent mode, using the internal clock of the unit. Proper operation may be observed by setting the speed to a low rate (approximately 3 wpm), and activating the paddle. At this slow speed, the relationship between the enable signal supplied by the operator and the generation of Morse characters in step with the clock rather than the enable is easily observed. With the 40 Hz sync signal from the standard applied and switch S2 in the CCW position, these same characteristics will be observed, with the Morse characters at a 12 WPM rate. This particular circuit will hang up if both the dit and dah enables are simultaneously grounded. This may be easily cured by a momentary short from Vcc to ground, restoring operation. Use of a modified semi-automatic key as shown in the photo will preclude simultaneous dit and dah enables from being sent to the keyer. A little sending practice will be in store for most operators, especially if a non-coherent keyer has been used by the operator for several years. The Frequency Stabilizer: The frequency stabilizer is checked by setting up the station receiver, a VTVM, the frequency standard, and the TEN-TEC. The isolation amplifier should also be inserted in the line, but is not absolutely required for testing of the stabilizer. The stabilizer requires inputs of 500 Khz,