+++++++++++++++++++++ADVERTISEMENT+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some suggestions for your CCW station. S5-4 Synthesizer, frequency 5 to 6 MHz, steps o: 100 Hz, accuracy less than 1 Hz. Great potential for CCW. Wired, tested and with manual $245 Printed Circuit Board (special for CCWN subscribers) $10 TMC-l RTTY loop to Morse Code Converter Wired, tested and with manual $310 TMC-1 simplified version, receives 6-bit parallel ASCII from a keyboard and puts it into perfect CW or CCW. Circuit board & all IC's (CCWN special) $150 MT-5 Morse code to RTT'.' code translator, translates CW, including CCW, into RTTY code which can then be conveniently printed on your teletype. Manual $45 Semi-l.nit $185 Wired and tested $560 Send your order or inquiry for further information to: Petit Logic Systems, Box 51, Oak Harbor, WA 98277 CCW USING THE POWER COMPANY'S 60 CYCLES AS A REFERENCE? Several persons, including WB6HQK and WA0LHC have suggested that we might use the 60 cycle frequency of the AC line as a standard and phase reference. I doubt it, because I don't think they are the same frequency or phase throughout the country, and certainly it is not the same throughout the world. Can anyone tell me how well these are linked? Woo y CCW FOR EME Several persons, including K3RYL, W6PYQ, and K8HRR have expressed an interest in CCW for EME work. I would think it would be quite useful, but I am not sure how much modulation is intrOdUCed by the movements of the moon and the shape of the reflecting surface on t}-.e moon. My guess is that it is relatively little. Note however, we will need a frequency stable within a cycle or two, something which may not be exactly standard equipment at VHF. Woody