CCWN 75:51 JA-W6 TEST OF CCW BY CHAS. WOODSON On the basis of several hours of tests between JA and W6 of CCW on 14#049,000, I have some informal results to report. CW transmission from JR1zZR used a FT-101. CCW transmission used a Coherent CW transmitter (CCW-1) which will be described later in CCWN. The antenna is a verticle dipole on a four-storv buildinq. A homemade 10 db sad was used. Most reception was by a verticle groundplane on a house roof at W6NEY. The receiver was a SB-303 with Petit filter for CCW. Some tests were made from W6BB using a 3-element 20 meter beam and the receiver from W6NEY. Signals seemed a bit stronger, but we do not have sufficient data to say whether that was due to band conditions or antenna. Generally I would expect the beam to be a bit better. Rotations among four conditions were made for comparisons. 1. 10 watts Cwr received with 2.1 kHz filter 2. 10 watts CW, received with .5 kHz filter 3. 1 watt CCW, received with Petit filter 4. .1 watt CCW, received with Petit filter Some subjective conclusions: 1. For CW, the .5 filter was clearly better than the 2.1 kHz in both QRM reiection and sensitivity. 2. At times the 1 watt CCW seemed considerably stronger than the 10 watt CW siqnal. 3. The .1 watt CCW signal was about the same or a bit better than the 10 watt CW signal. 4. Little QRM was experienced on CCW. QRM caused random dots, popping or higher noise. QRM seemed to last only briefly, apparently because the offending station drifted away. 5. Local QRM sometimes causes noise, apparently this is in the frount end of the receiver. 6. Once set, the phase adjustment of CCW is constant over the QSO. This required no changes after initial adjustment. 7. CCW operation seems easier. Apparently this is because frequency and phase are set and no receiver adjustments are needed during QSO. Perhaps the constant known speed makes copy easier too.