CCWN76 :85 THE STATE MACHItlE ltEYER by Jim Maynard I^d llke tO descrlbe ~y new keyer, tn bulldlng lt t trled that was for ae a new technlquei ~stote rzenlnes," Objectlves The keyer was to lnelude lamble operatlonw wlth selewcoorleting cheracters and automatle charZcter and tord sP~clnq~ zo facllltate use Vlth CCW~ the weyer^s clock was to run d11 the tlmew ond not stop wnen waltinq for a naddle to be closed. Also, I ~anted tO Preclsely set tbe kPyer sneed wtth 8 Ddlr 0t thu~Ftheel swltehes, tI have olwaYs been annoyed vlth other weyersS contlnuous speed controlsw thelr dlals are never callbrated correctly~ sO you never tnow just hOw fast YOU are •endlng, How can you honor a request tO tORS 15," when You canot Set your speed rellably to flfteen words per mlnute?) Deslqn 4DDroach t beXan by conslderlnX just what r wanted the teyer to do, It was tos , 5end dlts , Send dons , Send e~oraeter •paees , Send word spaceo , Walt, 1! necessarY, for a PaddRe to be depressed~ When sendlnq a dlt, the wever ls ln the wsendlnq dlt otate~" when Sendlnq a dzh~ it ls ln the Wsendlnq dah state~" ete, When waltlno for lnnut, It ls ln th~ wstZndby stotc.~ These states were sUbdlvlded~ For l~stance, to send a dlt~ the weyer sends a "1" for one clock Derlod, followed by a "0" for ~ second elock period, blvewise~ to send a dah~ it sends ones fOr three eloct Periods~ followed by a zero durlnU a fOurth clocK Perlod~ Sow T dlvided the Sendlnq Olt State lnto two statesl StNDIT1~ and SENDIT2~ The weYer tould •nter the state SENDITI on one elocK pulse, and Jhlle 1n that state send a onew the next clocK pulSQ tFould put lt ln SEND!T2~ durlnq whleh It would Output a zPro, Llkewise~ 1n tne sentes SENDt 8!tlDAH2~ BENDAH32 SENDAH4 tsne keyer ~ould OUtPUt one, onet one. zero. I came UD wrlth a total of 13 statesl STA Y twaltlnq for inPut) sEYD!T1, srNDIT2 tsendlnQ a dlt) SE~XOAM1. SEN0~82~ s£sDAR3, 8ENDAM4 tsendlfx a dah) SSNDCS1, SENDCS2 tsendlnq a CharaCter spece) StMOwSl, SENOWS2, 5sslDWs3~ SENDWS4 tsendlng a tord space)