CCWN76:86 ror some of thc states, thc next •tate ls ~ Ys the sames the keyer always goes ftom SENDIT1 to 8END2T2, or from SENDAH1 to SENDAH2 to SEffDAH3 to SC9DAH4, HowewerR ln some states the weyer must examlne tne wpaddle •lstoryt to see what GtZt~ tO enter next,Jror lnst~nce, when in SCHDIT2 •tote (fintshlnq sendSna a ditZ, the weyer •ends a dah next tenters SENDAHt ) lf the dah paddle nas been depressed, If the dan paddle has not been depressedw and the dit paddle has been~ Rt w ntcr sEND2Tl and send another dit, 2+ netther paddle has been dearessedR ft ~nttrs SlNDCSI ana startr to sen a charzcter space, The paddle history 1s re bered by thre~ set-r~et fliDwflops whose outPuts are DITUEM~ DAMMEM, Ond DAH94D2T, The D1TMEM P"f10P 1S set by the dit Padd lt rcset when the keyer ~ntcrs sENDIT1, Likewlse~ the dah paddle sets the DAMMEM P~£lOp~ which ts reset on enttrsnX AH1, tne DAHB4DIT £11DW£1OD ls set i! DAHMEN 1s on~but DITTMEM t~ off e DAS , DA DST lS reset when the teyer enters SSND~H1 •tate, Ttlrteen fourwblt binary nuserals~ from 0000 to 1100, represent the thlrteen state aderesses~ These four bltS~ toqether wlth the out~ats Of the raddle hlstory fllpwflops~ comprlse the address ltnes of ~ speclal type of read~only memorys 4 fleld prOBrammoble loxlc arraY t!P; s the weyer progresses frem state to state, lt ~oves from entty to entry ln a table reeorded ln that rpLAf Seven of the •tQht rPLA OUtDUt llnes •re usedt , tour llD@S ~PeCt£Y the state ~ddress of the next state to be state to be entered ese lines aO tO tYpe D £11PWf10PS. whlch trans2*r that •tate address tO the statc address tnpUt llnes on the next elock oulse. , T