CCW TEST. S I GNAtS _@ -Woodson -- 77_@_ -, __ Chas. d@ I The best cow-test signal I have-foun s_r.;HU'_on _14,670,,000 -and 7,335,000. They also transmit on 3v3309000. They.transmit 300 ms pulses of 1000 Hz.-For a-ccw filter -at to 1000 Hz input, that is an ideal test signal.-' -signal. Receiving CHU as an am -,You.'can ajust the framing control of your cew filter to various settings and see the difference. Note that too early will give a weak fram. at the first of the _1 r " "dash" and also weaken the last ame of the-'!dash". When the setting is-too late, a similar effect is noticed. When it-is correcV., the dash should be - clear and - sharp.,. ived. Note that this puts your fr phase with UrC as.rece If you add the propagation dist"'ce-to the stations and use the window fram@'pulses to control your keying, you can be keying-in phase with UTC. . I . . . - . . - . I @: I :. -_11 - I - I , You cantest the stability of your fram-reference by letting it run a whileand see if it remains in phase with the CHU pulses* You cancalculate the 'error. For@example, I found my reference 0 moved forward one-setting in 24 hours..@. This means my -1 indows, are .000,000,12 seconds too long, or an.error of 1.2 x-10 0 1 -'- 0 9 9 I Converting this to accuracy in terms of WWV, this is equivalent to 1.7 Hz high when the reference is compared to WWV at 15 MHz. Checking it, I found this amount of error quite noticable. Receiving CHU as a cw station, you can tune the carrier at 14,670,000 with your ccw filter. Since the filter bandpass is. 10 Hz wide, you can get an idea of the stability of your receiver. Actually, since the PCF-3 has a popping due to phase shift between channels when the tuning is off frequency, you can tell. the mid point much more accurately than I Hz for a strong signal. Note. you will not be able to use the popping as an indicator for signals with several skips because they are spread out several Hz by propagation phase modulation. Aslo, you can receive the side bands of CHU as cw signals. 14,670,000 sounds like a dash each second with 7 spaces after it. I think there must be about 300 watts in-the side band so that makes the signal an appropriate intensity. Some other test signals include JJY which sends 8 cycles of 3.600 ' ,Hz each second, WWV which ' sends 5 cycles of 1000 Hz, and WWK which sends 6 cycles of 1200 111z each second.- These are.all useful but since they are too short for the' frames, they do not give a good test' of the framing adjustment. They sound like a dot'eaeb second because the short dot is averaged over an entire frame by the- ccw filter. They are insensitive to framing adjustments until the short dot is across the boarder between frames.