78:192 revised 24 Jan 81)- - @ -7. - Q SICNALS.-FOR USE -WITH CCW .- . @ If. ` @ @@ @ , - - - - -F-66ifiFaid (rev-i sion of Jam 10', '1981. . Pse sen:c ---t 6 - W6NEY) al "QSV caw jest s gn QS V Please transmit CCW QSY UP 2 QSY up 2 Hz. @-,eSV carrier Give me 15 seconds 'of carrier for adjusting tuning. Q3V dot Give me 15 seconds dots for adjusting framing. @SV dash .ive me 15 seconds dashes for frequency adjustment. e power 10 dB. Decreas Indrease power 10 dB. 1, 55 9 (.;w rst of signal received ELS CW -z- rst of cew signal. 5 5 fby custom, .-.z'or r=1, repeat 5 times, for r=2, repeat 4 times, for r=3, repeat 3 times, for r=4, repeat 2 times.) Expanded rst system. f referes to framing. Ilike steady carrier 2time spread of ..08-or .09 second 3time spread of .06-or.'.-07-second 4ttlime spread of about .05 second 5time spread of about .04 second 6quite a bit v;f spread, .03 second 7noticalLole spread, .02 second 8good signal, less than 10% time spread 9like 'Laboratory signal 'For .1 second frame ccw, I setting of framing adjustment ib .01 second. If 3 settings are not distinguished, that would be f=6.) !-,I- a%Derimenting with what is the best test signal. I 01 do-zs is good for adjusting framing under favorable f el ... @ - .1 - 0, goo I @ i - @ @ , @, I C 0 -1. S S ;--;,-.@,;-";r@@- Dur- when time delays are involved, & string of els -:. A . -17 T IS. adjusting frequency, :'@ .:::, -,-- - - For :,@ .::: @'. @@ @' @. 1.1 L .. , be best under. favorable conditions. . ! r; - :- I ; - - - e - -,, I, -, , - ;. ! 'r seems T, @D I - an the carrier under , iz@ - r 4 n ;Y, ci -F fjots seems be better T-h !. .. - .1 0- -L - . . is I, - it a od co-muromi n 7@, ols seen conditicas. 1'QSV ccw" seems to be a good compromise. strings ot els and t's are a good compromise. 'rinning :@A-Iastment is 0i.-I dashes can often be detected when for fre uenc being jastment 1 :@A' k. I M --t:- , I -1o aLi ext,@-nt this is , re, - 34 gnal - also true for frequency being -.--,c,,r we-tk . _,,. dasliezi are easier to copy than dots.