Author Guidelines

Guidelines and recommendations for submitting great material for publication in this AmQRP journal.

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Have you considered being an author of material published in HOMEBREWER Magazine, the journal of the AmQRP Club?  It's really quite easy and our editorial staff enjoy working with budding authors to produce a classy presentation of your project, QRP experience or design idea.  

HOMEBREWER includes articles on projects from the very simple -- like an RF probe, an interesting dipole antenna setup or power supply -- up to the more complex digital control devices. Our readers just love that range of complexity, plus the "tutorial" nature of our projects ... e.g., Just how does that transistor amp work?

Even if you have just an idea for a project, you can contact us for some guidance as to what would be a good way to proceed in documenting and submitting it to us for publication. Chances are there are many other homebrewers who would benefit from you sharing your insight and construction tips along the way.

1) Material submission deadlines: 
    Issue #2 material due by: Oct 1
    Issue #3 material due by: Jan 1
    Issue #4 material due by: Apr 1

2) Material submission form -- A Word document, or a plain unformatted text file is preferred. Although you may wish to convey desired formatting, I will reformat to be consistent with the magazine style.  The font type and point size doesn't matter, as again I will be reformatting for consistency.

3) Images -- Photos should be submitted as separate JPG, GIF or BMP formatted files in the highest possible resolution.  I will crop and resize as-needed for insertion to the body of your article.  If necessary, just indicate where in the body you wish the image to be placed by putting "[Insert filename.jpg here]" at the appropriate spot.  As photos of your work are an important element of the article, I will iterate with you to achieve the best possible photo (e.g., resolution, color, lighting, background, views, etc.)  The largest possible size is preferred, at a resolution up to 300 dpi.  I will be happy to generate an appropriate photo if the project is sent in advance of the due date.  (The item will be immediately returned.)

4) Other graphics -- Graphs, charts, schematics, board layouts, block diagrams should also be submitted separately from the body of the text, although for convenience you may wish to use your Word document as the "container" for them, which will clearly show where they should be inserted. When this is not feasible, you may submit the graphics in another "container" file such as Powerpoint, or attach the specific object as a JPG, GIF or WMF (Word meta file) format file.  Feel free to contact me with questions about specific formats other than those mentioned, or for file import/export from your favorite schematic or drawing package.  I haven't yet encountered a format or package that I couldn't accommodate.

5) Proof -- I will send you a PDF "proof version" of your edited/formatted material for your comment prior to my submitting the issue to the printer. If I don't hear back from you, I will assume the editing was done properly.

6) Material attribution -- Perhaps obvious, but it is necessary for you to be stated as the author.  There have been cases when the author desired anonymity, which was not acceptable.  I will publish author contact information - postal and/or email addresses.

7) Copyrights -- Material submitted, and the related projects, concepts and techniques all remain exclusively owned by the submitting author.  AmQRP has copyright privileges for the printed version of the article in the magazine, in conjunction with the author. Express written permission for direct reprint/reuse of the HOMEBREWER article must be obtained from both AmQRP and the author.  Exclusive rights of the project, kit, concept and implementation of the material itself remain with the author.

8) Material Reuse by AmQRP --  AmQRP has the right to re-issue the submitted material in its "HB EXTRA" online website format, limited to posting of the graphics-only content (i.e., not the article textual body itself), for purposes of further author exposure, article promotion and value of the HOMEBREWER subscription. Further, AmQRP has the right to republish the submitted material in final edited format in a CD-ROM format, published annually and distributed with issues #5, #9, #13, etc.

Feel free to contact me by email if you have questions or need guidance.

Thanks for your support of AmQRP and HOMEBREWER Magazine!


~George Heron, N2APB

  Editor & publisher, HOMEBREWER Magazine
     at www.amqrp.org/homebrewer/homebrewer.html
  for the American QRP Club at www.amqrp.org

  Contact information:
    George Heron, N2APB
    2419 Feather Mae Ct
    Forest Hill, MD  21050
      email:  n2apb@amqrp.org

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Material and concepts presented on The American QRP Club (TM) website is Copyright 2003 by The American QRP Club, Inc.
These pages are designed and maintained by George Heron, N2APB
Page last updated:  August 17, 2003