
Software Archives

The collection of all previously-issued software 
and the related release notes for each.

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VERSION 6.0e (04/09/2007
AA908 binary   AA908Source

1) Re-added the 6m and VFH links in the Band table (mysteriously lost from version 5.x)
2) Re-fixed the SWR tone to remain at same low point found in Scan and manual tuning.
3) Re-fixed Z readings and SWR tone to change dynamically during idle. (At sacrifice of having many more Set_DDS calls during idle, thus increasing noise.)
4) Removed inappropriate ability of going into Scan or Band menus with press of PBs when in L, C or VFOmodes.
5) Removed default setting of Set Start_Scan and End_Scan in Scan so as to to correspond to band edges settings in Bands.
6) Set power-up default of frequency display to 1 MHz, corresponding to the default Band setting of 1-10 MHz

VERSION 6.0c (04/07/2007
AA908 binary   AA908Source

1) Added 60m band selection to the Band menu

VERSION 6.0b (03/22/2007
AA908 binary   AA908Source

1) Handled the DDS load signal differently to improve DDS starting reliability. 
    (No more "No DDS Signal" msgs in error.)

VERSION 6.0a (02/06/2007
AA908 binary   AA908 Source

1) Introduced refclock calibration
2) Removed AF908 code ... no longer enough room for both applications
3) Added coax function menus
4) Fixes register overflows in extreme calculations
5) Fixed the R calculation register overflow by going to double-word registers (64 bits) for numerator and denominator.
    Fixed discontinuities in R computations due to improper clamping of SWRx100 value when SWR >10 detected. (6.0d)
    Fixed the R calculation register overflow by going to double-word registers (64 bits) for numerator and denominator.
    Fixed discontinuities in R computations due to improper clamping of SWRx100 value when SWR >10 detected.
    Put in lower 400 kHz limit check for Z, L and C modes in Mode.asm "BCD_dec" routine
    Added (fixed) Calc.asm "Determine_Band" routine to extend up to 60 MHz.
    Added A/D converter filtering for Vf, Vr, Vz and Va readings (16 sample average)
    Fixed 35, 45, 52 MHz code words in Calib.asm
    Added X gather during calibration for per-band backout of stray X during measurements
    Many Calc & Scan improvements due to increased precision of internal arithmetic
    Removed programming of DDS control word every 20ms during dial idle time (in Process_Dial in mode_m.asm) ... reduces noise floor
    Fixed start_freq retension in Band.asm
    Added VHF & HF Band segment to Bands.asm
    Started adding Polar Z computations
    Fixed temp to temp1 in calib_vr
    Added Save Settings to Dial press

VERSION 5.3b (05/292006):  AA908 binary   AF908 1.2d binary   AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Multi-band calibration: one cal point for each band, with auto determination of which cal point to be used in Calc.asm based on the band currently in. This new cal is accessed by the menu item in Config called "Cal Refl", for Calibrate Reflectometer.  When you select "yes" at the prompt for placing the different loads place, the display will cycle through the different bands and collect appropriate calibration readings for those bands.

2) The 274-ohm part of the calibration routine has been automated so users don't have to adjust the dial to read 5.4 14 different times(!). The cal process may pause longer at certain steps that are difficult to achieve a 5.4 reading, but it should always drop through to completion.

3) Added m6_edge and vhf_edge to the band link table in Link.asm to allow extra band-setting capability to Al Gerben's plotter program.

4) A check was added to ensure that the DDS card is generating a signal.  If it is not, a message is displayed: "No DDS signal".  This can be seen normally when you dial the frequency down to 0,000.00. (I've been plagued by one particular DDS card that doesn't reliably start, so this check will show if others experience this condition too. And if/when the DDS ever doesn't start for someone's instrument, pressing and holding the Sleep pushbutton for about 3 seconds serves as a kick-start.)

5) The "Cal Freq" is currently an unused menu item in Config, to be used for the "DDS reference clock calibration" feature coming next ... don't this right now.

VERSION 5.1a (02/05/2006):  AA908 binary  AF908 1.2d binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Added ability to select custom Calibration frequency.

VERSION 5.0L (01/16/2006):  AA908 binary  AF908 1.2d binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

Fix for the "DDS selection" freeze. (The software was expecting to see the new DDSchip variable setting in EEPROM page 1 memory, but that page was not getting properly loaded during the automatic memory refresh that happens when a new software version is detected at power-on, nor when Default Settings was manually selected in Config. Thus, the index number obtained from DDSchip was FF instead of 00 (for AD9850) or 01 (for AD9851), causing the software to go off into never-never land.)

VERSION 5.0j (01/07/2006):  AA908 binary  AF908 1.2d binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Fixed return from Calibrate to properly display "Config / Exit".

VERSION 5.0i (12/31/2005):  AA908 binary  AF908 1.2d binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Changed the selection interface for DDS 30/60, Tone On/Off and Data Mode choices in Config to be done the same way as with other multiple-choice items. This consistency in uerser interface is nice.

2) Fixed the problem that caused every other Scan result to show 1 Mhz instead of actual SWR minimum for the circuit being measured.

3) Have code in place for experimental purposes to select AD9851 with direct 30 MHz refclock instead of 6x PLL. No discernable difference was visible in the spectrum when using a direct refclock, but the sampling artifacts start becoming visible above 10 MHz in this mode (i.e., 1/3 of 30 MHz refclock) and the time domain view of the waveform is quite ratty with multiple frequencies getting through the LPF. Therefore this operating mode is quite unusable and was commented out in the production release, but is easy to re-enable by uncommenting the two lines of code in the DDS Settings routine in Config_m.asm
and then recompiling.

VERSION 5.0h (12/27/2005)AA908 binary  AF908 1.2d binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) N1NB corrected an AF908 problem whereby a menu freeze occurred going in/out of Config

2) KA7OEI added a nice consolidation of Backlight controls in the Config menu.

3) Once again display the selected frequency after making Band selection.

4) Corrected the version number checking in init_m.asm

5) Clint Turner added 6 meters (50-54 MHz) and a "VHF" band (30-60 MHz) to the Band menu, which only show up if you have the 60 MHz operation selected.

6) Band now "remembers" the "custom" setting so that it is displayed when the user presses the band button. (That was the only one that wasn't "remembered.")

7) Steve Holton fixed the "two-button press freeze" bug: If the Mode pushbutton was pressed two times  in a row, the instrument would freeze, with power recycling being the only recourse. It was a memory  initialization bug that was introduced in AF908 and in the AA908+AF908 combination. (DSPisdsp908 and DSPisASP are now both initialized.)

8) Added a way for the software to recognize when the EEPROM memory structure has been changed, and thus forcing the "Default Settings" action to be automatically performed. (Previously, it was  up to the user to manually select Default Settings in the Config menu, which sometimes wasn't done and thereby causing strange problems to occur.)

9) Fixed bug in cal so we now use proper DDS control word to set 10 MHz, based on whether 30 Mhz or 60 MHz operation is selected.

VERSION 5.0d (11/28/2005)AA908 binary  AF908 1.2b binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Support for DDS-60 Daughtercard:

    Changed to using AD9851 DDS with 30 MHz ref clock (using 6xPLL setting in MSB control word of AD9851)
    Added 'AD9850' variable in EEPROM page 1 to indicate which DDS chip selected (9850=1, 9851=0)
    Added new Config command to allow selection of "30 MHz DDS" or "60 MHz DDS";
    Changes for AD9851 chip in Drivers.asm (DDS_init for turning on 6x PLL), and in Mode.asm (Mult to use correct digit scaling values, and in BCD_Inc to handle max display)

2) KA7OEI user interface fixes/improvements: Step shows current setting; Start, End, and main display show previously-used frequencies; StartFreq/EndFreq display no longer corrupted; Band, Mode and Config selection lists start from previous setting; Last-used Mode is re-entered when exiting Config or Band menus instead of always going back to Impedance.

3) Fixed Scan routine to include first sample in data transmission to terminal.

4) Changed select method in setting start/end freq in Config to press of Dial (instead of pressing <Config>)

5) Changed initial display of start/end freq (in Config) to be current setting (not always 10 MHz)

6) Tone varies with changes in SWR again, even when the dial is not being moved. (Facilitates changing antenna 
while listening to lower SWR.)

VERSION 4.3a (4/21/2005):  AA908 binary  AF908 binary  AA+AF Binary  Source

1) Added LCD Backlight control. (Optionally uses different LCD and new transistor to board.)

2) Restructured the source code to provide integration with AF908 module. (Compile time switches.)

VERSION 4.2b (4/13/2005):  AA908 binary  Source

1) Fixed tone to properly swing to min freq during Scan ... and stay there when scan complete.

2) Display reactance sign only when Sleep PB is pressed. This may help create more stable X readings.

3) Added loop to Config selection of Battery display (allows monitoring batt voltage during charge).

4) Removed a lot of unnecessary code and comments from the SEEPROM testing days.

VERSION 4.2a (3/28/2005):  AA908 binary  Source

1) Found another way to invoke entry to HCmon for the Software Load function in Config, thus eliminating the occasional halted downloading and need for using the "P3 jumper method" of loading.

2) Corrected the upper band limit for 12m operation.

VERSION 4.2 (3/24/2005):

1) Found the bug causing the "SWR>10" condition. Actually only happened with narrow resonances when the AA908 reaches out past the resonance to determine reactance sign. During that condition, the SWR display got "out of sync" with the foreground (dial turning) vs. background (dial still) computations and the ">10" display remained when coming back to the current frequency state.

2) Ensures max setting of 30 MHz for specifying End Freq in Config.

VERSION 4.1e (3/4/2005)AA908 binary  Source

1) Temporary disable "jsr Disp_Sign" in ISR until I fix the "constant SWR>10" condition

VERSION 4.1 (2/27/2005) AA908 binary  Source

This version supports the "reactance sign feature" and Link908

1) Corrected stack bugs in Get_Dial_Selection and Get_YN routines

2) Corrected portA bug in LCD driver

3) Merged WARC Band sppt and raw Link908 data transmit to mainline code

4) Added Config options for scan data (no save, send to PC, send to SEEPROM)

5) Added placeholders for SEEPROM code (search .LST file for "INSERT SEEPROM USAGE HERE")

6) Added Link908 interface

7) Band selection increased to include WARC bands. (M. Hasenfratz, WA6FXT).

8) Table-driven method used for selecting bands.

9) Changed reactance sign measurement technique to check up or down 3 MHz, depending
on where the current frequency point is in the band (20 MHz)

VERSION 4.0c (12/5/2005)AA908 binary  Source

1) Changed pushbutton user interface to be consistent with others (press Mode to see sub-menu of available modes: Impedance, Capacitance, Inductance, VFO).

2) Calibration point changed to 10 MHz.

VERSION 4.0a (11/15/2004)
AA908 binary  Source

This newest software should be used once the Service Pack has been installed. It depends on proper channel gain with the ERA-3 amp on the DDS card, and with R19,R24,R29,R51 = 71.5K.

1) Changed to using ERA-3 with different gain resistors. Getting rid of MAV-11 solved
high-end signal level rolloff.

2) Changed to "back_to_basics" simplified calibration, adjusting Vr to make SWR=5.4 with 270-ohm load. Best performing results ever!!

3) Added LCD backlight control circuit (and software timers, Setup menus, etc.)

4) Fixed bug in calculating R (was improperly scaling large denominator)

5) Started measuring and adjusting for A/D offset voltages. Improved accuracy a bit.

6) Now handling remainder of correction factor generation and use. Yields best results yet!

7) Fixed cursor adjust too far to left.

8) Straightened out Lite control and EEPROM save/restore

9) Moved cal data to EEPROM Page 1.

10) Fixed power-on pushbutton so timing not critical on release.

11) Added "Stopped" display at powerdown.

12) Made the Default Settings option more sensible and usable.

13) Determine & display reactance sign. (I'm still not happy with this and more changes will come.)

14) Reactance Sign Determination -- I diddle the freq (by 1 MHz!) when the instrument is in Impedance Mode, and when the dial is at rest. You can see this on a scope connected to the load. Kind of interesting, actually.

15) L & C Measurements -- Pressing Mode will allow you to select among the different Modes available for the instrument: Impedance (default), Capacitance, Inductance and VFO.

16) VFO Mode -- I added a fourth mode called "VFO" which just outputs the test signal, without diddling, yielding a signal suitable for external use.

17) All references to that experimental power control feature have been removed, so the Micro908 will not randomly go into "stopped" mode, and the mysterious interaction with the Sleep pushbutton is gone. Whew! :-)

18) Tone operation is cleaned up a little bit more ... should fix the "metronome" effect that some of you guys have noted.

19) The strange readings of "0 +j50" below 8 MHz with 50-ohm load resistor is cleared up. (In some cases, the no-load Vr offset voltage was greater than the Vr reading, which was near zero with a perfect match load, resulting in a negative corrected sample reading of Sample - Offset ... not cool. This only showed up after I sampled numerous units and saw what some of you guys were noting.)

20) User interface change to allow dropping right into Impedance mode upon start-up.

VERSION 3k5 (9/2/2004)
AA908 binary  Source

1) First Production Release

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Material and concepts presented on the AmQRP website is Copyright 2005 by the American QRP Club, Inc. 
These pages are designed and maintained by George Heron, N2APB (n2apb_at_amqrp.org)

Page last updated:  April 15, 2007