check out these works of art! Getting any ideas for modifying or
accessorizing your own Old Friend Transceiver? I sure am!
WA4MNT ...
Ken is right on top of things with us by already adding the volume
control, and he's a step ahead of us by adding one of his own
magnetically-attached paddles to the outside of his custom case, making
for a more portable rig.
Ken describes ... "As
per the George (N2APB) post, I added the volume control. Both my earbuds
and headphones were very loud on strong signals, and this is a welcome
modification well worth the effort to anyone experiencing the same
issues. I used a 9mm vertical Tayda 50K trimmer pot (A-1869) with the
shaft extended through the case cover, and I secured the pot with some
small dabs of epoxy on the inside of the cover."
What a fabulous homebrew
enclosure Ken! // Ken's has lots of cool QRP accessories for sale
on his web page at QRPBuilder.com

Smith, N8HI
the Christmas season, I enjoy building radio kits and finally got to
use the chassis I designed in November. I obtained a perfect size,
bare chassis from Ebay and designed it to use my OT-30 radio in it.
I started
by making drawings using Corel Draw CAD software and laid out the
front and back panels complete with all the lettering and hole
placements. The design was then printed onto clear plastic to make a
"positive" photo stencil for the silkscreen production.
I first
drilled all my holes in the chassis and then painted it flat black.
It was now ready for the silkscreen process.
Once the
silkscreen was produced, it was used to print the lettering on the
chassis sides.
printing, a thin coat of polyurethane was applied to finish it.
Christmas, I got the PWB all soldered up and was ready to start
installation into my chassis.
I mounted
the switch and pot/switch, encoder and display module and finally
the PWB.
I wanted
to make the PWB removable with no loose wires so, I used DuPont
connectors and header pins to connect between the chassis and PWB.
