Direct-Conversion Transceiver






Check here to see if there's an easy answer already for a question on your mind ... or for help through a brick wall you may have encountered!

  1. What features are in each new software version?  How can I get "the latest" software?

    Original kits came with a controller IC "U2" programmed for v1 software. Since then we’ve fixed bugs and added some new features, and now ship kits with "newer software" programmed in the U2. In all instances, older kits with v1 software will work well and as intended. If one wishes to have the newer features, a purely optional and simple upgrade is possible by ordering a new U2 controller chip containing the latest software.

    Features for v2 = v1 features + Iambic Mode B Keyer + Frequency Presets
    Features for v3 = v2 features + CW Speed Select via rotary encoder  + SK Mode with Presets

    The single manual we have now indicates all features present beyond the v1 baseline software, with indications for the version in which they were added.  So if a feature is described in the manual but does not appear to operate as described, then it is likely that your software is an older version.  Your Old Friend still works just fine! ... but it just doesn't have the specific feature added in a later version of the software.

    But the solution to all this possible confusion is easy!  We can ship you the U2 controller chip containing the latest software for just the cost of the new chip and shipping fees.  Merely send $8 via PayPal using this link to purchasing the "Old Friend U2 Controller".


  2. Before you start assembling your kit ... Using your multimeter in the lowest "ohms" position, check the resistance between the U1 regulator tab and its lower leg (toward the inside of the board) to ensure that you do not read a 'short'.  If you do read a low resistance value (e.g., less than 2 ohms), please contact George (n2apb at MidnightDesignSolutions dot com) to let him know before proceeding.

  3. Nothing works after I plug in the U2 microcontroller -- Is it oriented properly in the socket with the IC's pin 1 'dot' closest to the display?

  4. Display receptacle (2x8 pin) doesn't fit into PCB -- Yes it does; the holes are slightly too small and it's just a 'hard fit'.  Press hard.

  5. The 7/8" standoff (and 2 screws) for the end of the display are missing -- Yes; not needed and not included. 

  6. Is it hard to screw in the 8 screws holding red PCB cover and OF PCB to the 4 standoffs? -- Use a 1/6" jeweler's flat blade screwdriver.

  7. The Tune/Speed Pushbutton doesn't bring up "Presets" -- Don't forget to ground the other switch contact next to the one with the wire you added.

  8. The Tune/Speed Pushbutton doesn't 'click when depressed -- Be sure to leave enough room for this to happen when you attach the knob.

  9. My connectors are not aligned in enclosure pre-cut holes! -- Loosen the 4 top nylon cover plate screws to 'optimize' dimensioning of the PCB assembly beneath it.